What are the results of this study, you ask? Dead people do indeed take shits!
Now, that is spending your hard-earned tax dollars the right way! Possibly only cities that are run as federal corporations can afford such awesome undertakings.
And did Camden stop there, just with a conclusion? No, No not at all. They took action, and they blew through the red tape. They installed a "Johnny on the Spot!" And now people who have died in the last 100 to 150 years, who have been laid to rest in the cemetery on Mt. Ephraim Road in Camden can drop a dusty deuce without having the rest of their gimpy friends watching.

That rocks!!
Dougy, why didn't you think of this? You still have time. Can you imagine the benefits of having a crap-can for tomb dwellers in our fair city ? It might possibly mean a busy month cleaning up, but somehow I think it would release the stench of our past.
Camden has it all over us. Who would have thought of placing a "Johnny" in a cemetery, and leaving it there for three years? Wow, that takes balls and determination.

Come on Trenton, stop lagging behind! And to you lucky dead fuckers in Camden, let me know if you need any reading material, I left you behind a Trentonian, and a Trenton Times but that is so you can wipe your ass,
G SPOT on the Downhigh