Thursday, June 19, 2008

Class Reunions: Me no get invited do me cry?

I have never been invited to any class reunions. Possibly that makes me bitter. I find that class reunions, especially the ones that are organized by classmates, pretty much echo the sentiments that were experienced in high school. I was not really a loner, or a stoner, I just didn't like to be part of any group. Well any acceptable group. I liked living on the outside, and loosely associated with other malcontents. I really did not ever like school. Until grade 9, I did very well, then I thought, "Really, what the fuck does it matter?" Not a mature thought, I know, and one I sometimes regret. I just kind of figured I would end up working in a factory like my dad did, getting married at 20, and hating all my kids by the time I was 30. Mature again, no, that is for sure.
I realized I needed to have some type of education in order not be relatively unemployable. Can I tell you what the best class, the most useful class I ever took? Can you guess? Typing. I learned how to type in Grade 10, for 4 months before I was suspended from that particular high school. 4 months, I was fast, 63 words a minute on a manual typewriter. These days, age, and drinking have hobbled me. I can only do 50 wpm on average, maybe 65 if pressed for short bursts.
Typing ability is huge in today's workplace. You are always on a computer, and if you can type fast it enables you to dick around and still get stuff done. Everyone knows that dicking around is pretty much a large part of any work day. You have to be good at it. It's not about looking busy. People — unless they are nuts — leave you alone as long as you get your work done and you don't embarrass them. Unless they are complete control freak assholes. But more on that another time.
So I do a lot of typing and I'm quick. I can sometimes type as quick as I think, not that I'm a fast thinker. But I was talking about reunions. Reunions pretty much suck. It's nice to see the good looking guy from school that got all the girls now has a big gut, and no hair, but I already didn't care. Most school reunions are not to see how you are doing, it is to show everyone how you are doing.
While I am occasionally curious to see how some of my high school or elementary school chums are doing, most of the time I don't even think about it. If I had, or they had wanted to keep in touch it would have happened.
Recently I was invited to a "Gala" at my old high school. When talking to the person who told me I should come, I was told that there had already been two prior reunions (that I wasn't invited to), and that everyone was doing great. One guy is a billionaire, another guy sells homes to Hollywood stars, some girls are still really hot. Two reunions, two without me. Kind of hurt my feelings. Two! My parents have always lived in my hometown. I'm as easy to get a hold of as anyone. Why wasn't I invited? I think it simply was because I was not part of the crowd in high school. Well, in either high schools I attended (I was suspended from one.)
I was the class clown, I provided entertainment. I have fond memories of that. Fond memories. Yeah that's what I like. I will hold onto those memories. I never really liked school. I'm glad I learned how to type and I met lots of weirdos and did my own thing. Which I continue to do. Have fun at the Gala, old schoolmates. Hopefully you create some new memories. I have what I need. Hope you are all doing well.
Love,Tart Boy
PS: I did work in a factory for a few months, and I hated it. I didn't have any kids by the time I was 30, I still don't have any at 46. All that is about to change soon and I will emote more love on that little freak, than all the hate I was going to emote on all those little ungrateful bastards by the time I was 30!

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