Friday, October 3, 2008

Dunkin Donuts, Nottingham Way, Hamilton, NJ

SUCKs! They are so stupid it is hard to believe. They hardly ever get my order right. None of them listen to you at all.

There is a guy behind the counter who stands at the coffee area and asks what you want. All the while he is talking to someone on his bluetooth phone.

I will never ever go there again. This was the best screw up yet.

I ordered 4 large coffees. 2 Hazelnut, one with cream and sugar and one with cream. Then 2 regular coffees, one with cream and sugar and one with just milk.

He places them in front of me. Two are marked regular and two are marked H for Hazelnut.

I ask him which one of the regular coffees has only milk. He said they are both cream and sugar. I made him fix that. Then I noticed that the two hazelnuts were marked the same.

Same questions, which one is the one with cream and sugar and which has just cream. He said, they both have cream and sugar. I made him replace one.

He muttered something in his language (the language of arseholes) to his coworker, a woman who also screws up my order all the time. It was something not very nice about me I'm sure.

I get on the road, I realize that one of the regular coffees has cream, instead of milk. Oh well. He still screwed me on one.

I get to work I tell my boss the story, I hand her the Hazelnut with just cream. She asks me to smell it. Guess what, it is a regular coffee. She still drank it, since D&D is good coffee.

I sit down at my desk and take a sip of my Hazelnut with cream and sugar. Hmmm, no sugar. Thanks dickweed.

Happens that the only correct one was a regular coffee with cream and sugar. So out of 4 coffees 3 were wrong. And this was after I made him fix them.

Wow that guy is one stunned son of a bitch! I feel like going back there and sticking his bluetooth up his arse.

Can you believe it. 3 out of 4 coffees are wrong. This guy should have a job as a retarded psychic or something.

Okay I needed to vent. I will not be returning that Dumpin Donuts ever again!

Hey 3 out of 4 ain't bad unless 3 are wrong!

Nighty night!