Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some People are Irritating!

I was visiting my wife's sister and her family the other day. We had food fest and a few beers. My wife's other sister who is recently divorced from a mongo has a new boyfriend. While not a mongo. He is very opinionated, and likes to argue. But only by yelling the same point over and over and over again. Which is fine with a bunch of drunk guys in a dressing room after a game, or in someone's backyard after about 24 beers each. But to yell the same thing over and over and over again in someone else's house that doesn't agree with you. Well that is not really funny, or helpful. It is just stupid.

What was he yelling? Well, "George Bush is a Moron. Clinton was the best." Times 20 or 30. While I think most people these days would be hard-pressed not to agree that George Bush is a moron, and as one of my previous blogs states, a possible mongoloid. Many people do not like Clinton, and that is their opinion. Screaming his name over and over again, does not make them agree with you.

The same person, we will call him Mr. Wheelbarrow for reasons only known to few. Although I think his wheelbarrow is fairly full of some fine gardening supplies, Mr. WB, told me that the reason the US dollar is down is because of the interest rates. They just need to lower them and voila! The dollar comes right back up. Now I think lower interest rates might help. There are certainly many more things at play here. Possibly, the world hates the US, there is a costly war in IRAQ, China is now a huge economic force, the housing market is over-valued etc...
Saying that the dollar will rise, if the interest rates go lower, is like saying we are short on water because the sun is too bright. A part of me, says, wow how do these screamers really feel about what they are saying.

It reminds me of a guy I used to share an apartment with, well there was three of us. Gregg, and I would be watching TV, and Slacker would come into the room. Yes Slacker, that was his nickname, and he was a real moron. Slacker would stand in front of the TV to get our attention and tell us a funny story. Well the story was never funny, but what he would do, is talk louder at the parts we were supposed to find funny. One day Gregg said, "Slacker, the less funny your story is, the louder you talk, have you ever noticed that?"
Slacker yelled, "No." And never told us another story.

Which reminds me I hate yelling comedians. HERE IS THE PUNCHLINE.....OR HERE...HEY I"M STILL YELLING> FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY>

I like to yell as much as the next guy, in fact sometimes even more. But there is a time for yelling and a time to just shut the fuck up.
Love G

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