Thursday, June 19, 2008

President Bush's IQ

I was at a party a couple of years ago. Met this young fellow, around 23 years old. An artist, draws his own comic strip. Kind of strange stuff, shadowing on the face, but he definitely has talent.

Well there were a number of us chatting in the living room, and President Bush's name came up. Some like him some don't. Then the young artist spoke up and said,
"They recently tested his IQ and it was 69."

"What," I said. "How could that be. I think mongoloids score higher."

He said, "No it's true. He is borderline mongoloid. He scored 69."

The guy argued with all of us and left in a huff. Does anybody know what President Bush's IQ is?

It can't be too high. I would think it is higher than the average daytime temperature of most of the USA. It just can't be 69.

Although his recent massage of the German Chancellor could bring it down a smidgen.

I wonder if he would take an IQ test just for me. To prove that he is not borderline mongoloid?

I wonder.

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