Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dunkin Donuts or Dunkin Dimwits?

We'll see. I am thrilled to see a new store in Trenton. I'm even more thrilled that it occupied an already standing empty retail establishment and I'm completely on my knees thanking God that it is a Dunkin Donuts. I love their coffee and their donuts are good too.

What I like about Dunkin Donuts is it is the workin man's donut shop. No Wifi, no fancy music, no stupid name for their beverages and no burnt coffee. Dunkin Donuts rocks.

On my first visit I spoke with, I believe, the owner. I noticed there were no tables and he assured me they were on the way. I told him that my wife and I would be visiting as soon as they get them in. He then told me that half of the store would be a convenience store. I guess that's okay.

I purchased my coffee and bagel with cream cheese and of course an old fashioned donut and I was on my way. That was yesterday.

The other thing I noticed yesterday in the parking lot behind the D&D there were a few beer cans just tossed in a pile with some Chinese food containers. I thought,"Well that will get cleaned up."

This morning I was in need of more D&D and I parked my car and the same beer cans were laying on the ground.

So when I completed my purchase I mentioned to the woman behind the counter, who appeared to be in charge, and quite possibly could be the wife of the owner, "Hey just wanted you to know there are a bunch of beer cans that sitting in the parking lot. They have been there for a couple of days."

She looked at me and said, "Yeah there is a broken bottle out there on the street in front of the store too." I looked and sure enough there was.

To which I replied, "People don't like to come to places that look rundown, and litter does not look good." She smiled, looked through me and said, "We are working on it."

I answered, "Well you're not doing a very good job."

I really hope that the Chinese Restaurant and the D&D get their act together and clean up around their property. If they don't I won't be going there anymore, and I'm sure many other people will lose interest, too.

I guess, don't work on it. Just do it. Pick that litter up. This is your business. People are not going to walk over broken glass for a donut, and if they see enough refuse and beer cans they might just not want to park their car in your parking lot. Why? Because people who drink beer in the open in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot generally are not good people and if you see cockroach refuse, the cockroaches are not very far away.

So please, please, please Mr. D&D on the corner of Olden and Hamilton, at the old "Cook's Glass" business, please clean up your corner.

With love and cream and sugar,
G Spot out!

1 comment:

Mistër Cleän said...

There are not nearly enough Dunkin Donutses in Trenton.

I used to have to drive all the way down Lalor Street to the shopping center to get my D-to-tha-D fix. Bollocks!

Now, I have to go a whole four blocks to get to the nearest DD. Not good enough.

I will not be pleased until the DD brain trust grants a franchise to my basement or my backyard shed.

Only then will there be enough Dunkin Donutses in Trenton.

While we're at it, can we get a few more Subway franchises? I have to go, like, a whole mile for one of them sammitches.